Artist Statement

Molly Martin with oil painting, Resilience.
May 2024.


Humanity's connection with nature fuels my artistic inspiration. Witnessing the stark effects of climate change drives my passion to create art that raises awareness about our environment's peril. As a woman and a mother, I am deeply concerned about the well-being of our planet and women’s rights, both for the sake of my children and for future generations.

My recent paintings are inspired by 19th-century photographic portraits of women. During this transformative era, the Industrial Revolution altered our planet’s health, redefined societal perceptions of women, and marked the advent of portrait photography, all which inform my work. By depicting real women from this historical period, I aim to initiate dialogue about our ancestral heritage and the progress of women's rights. Additionally, I seek to raise awareness about current environmental concerns by incorporating native flora and fauna ecosystems into my compositions.

Amid my unease about my children’s future and the future of our planet, painting and being in nature serve as my refuge, grounding me and connecting me to the present moment.